Sunday, February 3, 2013

Moving Along, Slowly But Surely

        I know that it has been a while since the last blog post, but I cannot express how overwhelmed I feel currently.  I know that I have mentioned this before, but it seems like I am a hamster on a wheel.  I am running and running and running, but getting nowhere.  The amount of time that I have to devote to my statistics course seems immense, and the hours that I have to complete and the amount of work to finish for my internship are almost insurmountable.  March 15th cannot get here fast enough.  I know that comps and dissertation will be challenging, but I just feel as if it will be a more focused craziness than the uncontrollable feeling of helplessness that I am experiencing at the moment. 
        On a positive note, I have started the job application process, putting in a few and planning to submit a few more.  I do like my current school, but it doesn't hurt to put out a few feelers to see what may be out there for me.  It is scary to think about picking up and going to a new job, but that is part of my goal for the future, so it is a scary risk that must be taken! 
        I haven't given up my dream of opening a coffee shop/community center, though. Or living in Italy. Or living at the beach.  I actually drew up a floor plan for the community center last week.  It would be a gathering place for the community, all ages and types.  There would be the coffee shop, pool tables, seating areas, table areas, books and board games, a large group room for meetings, small rooms for tutoring or meetings, and a bigger room in which bands or community events could be held.  Students and teachers could meet for tutoring sessions, community members could attend informational or learning sessions, . . . the possibilities are endless.  I would absolutely need to find money to do this, though.  I don't have a clue as to where to start looking for such things.  But I'd like to think that I could one day make this dream come true. 
        As far as weight and health, I have been making some progress.  I am down to 165ish. . .fluctuating between the high 164s and low 166s.  I feel pretty darn good, too, outside of constantly being tired.  However, that is because I do not get to bed before 2:00 AM and have to be up for work the next morning.  My cold is finally going away, too. I am not sure whether or not it was the flu, but I do know that it has taken over two weeks to be able to wake up feeling human.  I am eating more protein, too, whether through food or supplements.  I got the Provide protein shots, and they are not too bad.  Also, the Nectar Syntrax shakes are great and I can drink those throughout the day from my Nalgene bottle. One bottle equals 23 grams of protein and 32 ounce of liquid.  Diet-wise things are good, too.  I am eating protein as much as possible, and making sure to keep fats and sugars to a minimum. The hair loss is still happening, but some days it doesn't seem like it is as drastic.  Of course, my hair is shorter so that could be why.  I did add zinc to my supplements, so I am hoping that is helping, too.  Exercise is still slow-going, but I try to get a dog walk in when I can.  The cold an weather took care of that for the past few weeks.  I did walk like a champ all over NYC last week, which helped get me moving.  
        Every time I look in the mirror I am so excited for the change in my life that was able to happen because of surgery. :-) But for now, it is time to try and get some sleep.  Until next time . . . 


Not a great pic as far as appearance because I had just gotten out of the shower . . . and it is a lazy Sunday, but this is me in a pair of pants that I wore only five months ago.  Size 20/22 and they were tight! 

Me now, a size 12, heading to a 10, and wearing medium or large shirts!!!