Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Out of the Hospital and On the Mend!

Boy, have the last few days been interesting – to say the least!  I am home and on the mend.  As it turns out, I had two bleeding ulcers.  Since they started me on protonix in the ER, they had already crusted over and began healing by the time my gastroscopy was performed on Saturday morning.  Apparently, any time that two body parts are sewn together and rejoined, the area receives less blood flow because of the scar tissue or nature of the way it has healed.  This can cause perforations and ulcers.  It is not unusual, but not so much as common as people would think.  This is what happened to me.  I had one ulcer in my stomach and one right after my stomach in the intestines.  Dr. Sharon said that the surgery itself looked fabulous and that Dr. Z. did a great job, so that was awesome to know.  So, it was good that I came in because I could have kept bleeding for a long time.  In fact, I had lost quite a bit of blood and my levels were just over eight; normal is 11-18 from what the nurse said.  Therefore, I had to have a blood transfusion.  I was allowed to eat full liquids at that point, which was nice.  My hubby came to visit for a bit before heading home to take care of Cira.  My Mom, brother, and nephew visited, too.  Glenn came back that evening and we played some Scrabble and hung out in the hospital.  He brought me a yogurt, too. :-) Yummy! Best thing I ate in the hospital, outside of the popsicles that I ate whenever a nurse would give me one, LOL!  The vampires took my blood a few more times, and Dr. Sharon came in at 6:00 Sunday morning to tell me that my blood level was up, I could eat regular food, would take protonix for the rest of my life, and that I would be going home that afternoon!  Woot! 
            I feel better, but am still extremely tired.  I have been home the past two days and trying to catch up on work.  Tomorrow is a full day, but I am going to try to keep my to-do list in check.  It is just pretty difficult with school and courses.  I refuse to be a bad student or a bad teacher; both of those take a huge amount of energy and time.  I spent some time yesterday running errands and doing things around the house, but that means that today I am trying to catch up even more so.  It is such a catch-22.  I know that my health is important, but who do I let down in order to take care of my health?  My family? Friends?  Students? Professors? Myself?
            Of course, I alerted my professors, and one has given me an extension.  The other has not responded to my questions about assignments as of yet. . . although, he did wish me well. He never reads an entire email or answers questions.  It’s so infuriating!  So, I guess at this point, I am going to press on with the help of my friends and family, and my wonderful hubby, and do what I can.  PhD classes end on the 14th, so I can take a minute to breathe and enjoy the holidays at that point.  Over the holiday break, I can focus my efforts and try to accomplish a few things to make life a bit easier in the second half of the internship.
            Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and well wishes over the last few days.  Believe me, seeing that blood loss was pretty scary.  And, although I was so furious about being in the hospital and the other things before, I do know that it was best for me to spend the time that I did in the hospital getting it taken care of.  Now it is back to work until tomorrow. . . .

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