Friday, November 30, 2012

Normal v. Not Normal

Well, the last few days have been interesting, and I am sending a warning right now.  I made a vow to not hold back any information when I started this blog so that anyone considering bariatric surgery would have an idea of any hurdles or issues that may be potential problems.  Truthfully, I have been having an INCREDIBLE recovery and still am having an incredible recovery, but I am definitely going to be writing about my latest episode with detail.  For some it may be TMI.  So, read on and skip what you do not want to read.
            Weight-wise, I am at 180.4. WOOT!  I am so psyched.  Yesterday was my three-month surgery date anniversary, and, since surgery, I am down 45 pounds.  Total, I have lost 78!  THAT is exciting! I was so bummed the first few weeks after because I didn’t seem to be losing that much, but now I am losing steadily.  I am able to eat relatively normally and enjoy things that I enjoy doing.  Although I am exhausted often, I still feel great and have no regrets. 
            Wednesday night; however, things got a little scary, which is why I am currently in the hospital awaiting a scope – essentially, a colonoscopy.  I got home around 7:15 (like normal), ate dinner (like normal) and sat down to begin working (like normal).  Then, my stomach felt a bit weird, I got some cramps, and ran to the bathroom.  My BM was in no way normal, though.  It was horribly smelly; bright red liquid; and dark, dark purple.  It was the consistency of a pile of wet leaves that had been sitting so long that it was blackish purple and sticky.  It took five flushes to get it all down, and I even had to clean the toilet.  I was alarmed to say the least, but thought that it was over and went back to do work.  Not the case. This happened at least five or six times, and I had an accident once.  I hadn’t eaten anything out-of-the-ordinary from my normal foods, so I had no idea what was causing it.  In the morning, it happened twice more before I left the house.  I was dizzy and light-headed; after my shower, I was sweating like crazy and had to sit down for a bit.  Needless to say, I realized that this was not normal and I needed to get checked out. 
            I called school and they started making arrangements for a sub; I left school around 10:30 when the sub got there and arrived in the ER around 11:00.  I had called the Bariatric Center and explained everything earlier, and they told me to go the hospital.  I was in the ER until almost 7:00; they were really busy.  I had to drink the bowel prep, but only one container.  It took me all evening and night – until around 5:00 this morning -- to get it all down.  I have given so much blood that I can’t have much more to give, LOL.  My surgeon came in this morning and said that my blood counts were down, nothing so serious that I need a transfusion, but we will see what the test shows.  I continued to have bloody BMs, although since I haven’t eaten anything since Wednesday’s dinner, they have been liquid purple and red.  I didn’t have one that was a normal color until an hour ago . . .around 10:00 this morning. 


            Well, I just got back from the colonoscopy and everything on that end looks good, but there was old blood in the colon and bowels, so now I have to have the gastroscopy in the morning!! REALLY??? I asked why they didn’t just do it then, and they said that because I was under anesthesia I couldn’t consent to it. Isn’t that why you have my husband’s number and my mom’s number?  In case of stuff like this??  I am so furiously angry right now.  This is a waste of my time and insurance money to keep me here another day for something like this.  I am hungry, too, and I don’t get to eat much to begin with, so not being able to eat anything just adds to my anger.  I am so angry that I can’t write anymore.  I have shut my door and am going to take a nap.  Until tomorrow and I have more news to share. . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,
    This must be so frightening, I will be praying for you. Hang in there!!
