Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Whew, I'm Tuckered Out. . .

             Today was pretty good, and I made it through the day pretty nicely.  Mammogram after school, home, quick dinner, power nap, and back up at 8:30 so that I could move to the desk and get to work.  It was a nice little power nap, but it definitely means that I was up later than I should have been tonight.
            So, I have hit the under 200 mark! I have been at 199.8 for a couple of days.  That is so freakin’ awesome.  I have not been under 200 pounds in ten years.  TEN YEARS!!!  It is a fabulous feeling, and definitely adds to the motivation factor.  I am hoping to hit the YWCA Thrift Shop in Greensburg Thursday evening so that I can pick up a few more things to wear; I know that I will be in this size for a month or so, and I don’t want to be wearing the same thing every day, LOL.  Plus, I won’t be able to do laundry at Colloquia next week and I want to have some comfy clothes to wear, not all so much dress clothes. 
            Food-wise, today was okay.  Better than yesterday.  I had my morning coffee and a cheese stick, sipped on my water all day, ate some leftover chicken for lunch, had the rest of the BelVita pack from yesterday, finished the leftover chicken for dinner, and had a few bites of egg whites.  Another coffee, too, but I am trying to bust out PhD work and it was a necessity. The amount of chicken I ate in both meals equaled about the size of ¾ of a Ho-Ho.  It was yummy with the ricotta and sauce, and doesn’t make me miss the pasta too much. 
            Exercise has not happened too much this past week because I am simply trying to get through the days at this point.  I am up and moving around a lot more than I have been, so hopefully that is a good thing for now.  I need to get back to a semi-normal routine so that I can figure out how in the heck that I am going to fit it in with everything else.  For those of you on the journey, too, we can do this. . . .we just have to keep plugging on and figure it out as we go.  But with us cheering one another on, we will definitely meet the challenges!!
            Until tomorrow. . . . 

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