Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy One Month to Me!

          Today has gone by so slowly, and I have not felt right all day.  As I told a  friend, I can’t tell whether I’m getting sick, hungry, tired, gassy, or sore from dancing a bit last night.  Ugh.  I didn’t sleep well after getting in late last night/early this morning.  I tend to think that it may be a gall bladder issue, too, from the one honey BBQ boneless wing that I ate for lunch.  I did some work for the Forensic Team all afternoon while watching football -- announcements, typed the district schedule, requests for payments, revised papers and files for the team, planned the first meeting, updated the website, bus request forms. . . .oh my!  It took over six hours, and by the end of those hours, I was feeling pretty yucky.  I didn’t feel like doing anymore work or watching TV or doing dishes or anything, so I went to bed.  I couldn’t really sleep, though, and tossed and turned until around 11:30; I got up and took Cira for a 2-mile walk.  That helped a bit.  I took some Gas X Strips (You were right, Mellissa, they are becoming a good friend!) and then cleaned up the kitchen, took out the garbage, and packed Glenndini’s lunch.  Such an exciting life I lead, haha.  Now, I am at the desk hoping to do a few things and feel better soon so that I can get some sleep.  This is putting a damper on my plan to attempt a “normal” schedule tomorrow. 
            I made a pumpkin protein shake tonight, too.  I wanted to have something in my belly, but nothing too heavy.  It is pretty good, but definitely need to tweak the recipe to have it be more flavorful.  It is the basic recipe from Susan Leach’s site -- ½ cup water, 8 large ice cubes, and a scoop of protein powder.  In my case, it was vanilla powder, but this is the second shake that I’ve made with this vanilla powder that has been so-so.  I can taste the dryness of the powder, if that makes any sense.  I added a ½ cup of pumpkin, a packet of splenda, some pumpkin pie spices, and a dash of sugar-free hazelnut syrup; I don’t have sugar-free vanilla.  It tasted okay, but definitely needs something else to take it over the top.  I munched on a piece of cheese and some turkey lunch meat, too.  Never finished anything, but just munched.  I hate this feeling.  It is so disconcerting in a way and being uncomfortable makes it so hard to focus. 

            Yesterday was a similar day - very slow and just odd feeling.  I did have a good time last night when I went to see the show.  It was a nice way to celebrate my one month post-surgery anniversary.  And, my total lost was 50 pounds on the nose as of yesterday morning.  My clothes are starting to get too big, and even some of the clothes that I have saved over the years because I liked them are now too big.  I guess that I am going to have to breakdown and hit the Goodwill soon.  I know that I have Open House in two weeks, so I will buy something to wear to that, for sure.  Plus, I do need to get clothes to wear to work.
            Last night I actually enjoyed dancing for the first time in awhile.  I felt like I could move without being a big lug on the floor.  I am paying the price a bit today, but it was worth it.  Maybe losing some weight will help my ability to do some of the choreography that always challenges me when I am in a show, LOL.  We shall see. And, it felt really good to see Glenndini with a big smile when he saw me. :-) That was the best part ever. 
            But for now, it is time to close and try to get some well-needed rest.  So, until tomorrow . . .

Not sure if the poses interfere, but this is me before and on my one month anniversary of surgery, 9/29/12.

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