Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Friday!

           Today has been a quick one -- boy, did time fly away!  It started off on a good note, for sure.  I stepped on the scale and I am down to 208.2! WOOOO HOOOOOO!  Good-bye 210s!!! I was more motivated to head to the basement and get on the treadmill after seeing that number.  I watched an episode of House Hunters while walking, and did some intervals of faster-slower while walking to make it more of a cardio exercise.  Also, I used the free weights, but I could definitely feel that more than yesterday, so it must be working, right?  I took Cira for a walk this evening, too.  We did a mile.  So, I walked a total of 2.53 miles today.  Step by step I will get there. 
            Eating has been good today, too.  I had a couple of the meatballs that I made last night for breakfast.  Mind you, they are not huge meatballs.  I got almost two dozen meatballs from a pound of lean ground meat.  I took three of them, mashed them into some sauce and sprinkled some shredded cheese over them before popping them in the microwave for a minute and a half.  They were scrumptious.  And, I have to remember that my eyes are definitely bigger than my head.  I took three meatballs, but only ate two.  Later, I had a wee bit of salmon with a bit of vinaigrette and hummus.  Another small meal consisted of some apple cinnamon BelVita crackers.  They are yummy and if you haven’t tried them - you must! Great snack, satisfy the need for something sweet, and they are nutritious.  I ended the day with some more meatballs prepared the same way.  I tried a protein shake, but it just wasn’t sitting well.  I tried to make a vanilla shake, but I must have put in too much powder or not mixed it enough because I could taste the powder.  It is in the fridge, and I am hoping that it will melt a bit and mix a bit more. 
            The fact that every time I step on the scale I can see a bit of a difference is a huge factor in my ability to see the light at the tunnel.  I knew that surgery would be the tool I needed to jumpstart my motivation to get back to a healthy lifestyle.  At one point today, I thought about still being able to enjoy pizza on Sundays or have a few wings with friends.  Suddenly, food wasn’t such a big deal.  I can have a small bit of pizza and I can have two or three wings.  Everything in moderation, as the advice states.  If I have pizza, then I don’t have another meal that includes many carbs that day.  I can have wings, but I have to watch the sugar and fat content of the sauce so that I don’t “dump”.  Plus, the chicken has to be moist so that it doesn’t get stuck in my pouch or on the way down.  There are a few more things for me to consider when having a meal, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to never be able to socially eat again.  My priorities have shifted, ‘tis all.
            Thank you for listening to me vent the last few days.  I am working hard to cope with the changes that are and will be occurring in my life, and the last week or so has been tough.  There is so much running through my mind and sometimes I just need to get it out in order to start making sense of it all, you know?  Being a writer, getting it out on paper, in words, really helps me to sort through my thoughts and figure out which can stay and which can go.  The last two days have given me a chance to get things off of my chest and begin to think rationally again, and I thank you all for putting up with my thought bubbles bursting.
            And with that, I am going to close for tonight.  Until tomorrow . . .   

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