Friday, September 21, 2012

A Bit of Frustration. . .

            I have completed painting all of the doors!!! Woot! I moved slowly and it took me all day -- I mean all day -- but they are finally finished.  It felt so good to cross that one off of the to-do list because it has been there for months!!  Glenndini’s lunch is packed, and I am getting ready to pack it in for bed.  I have an MRI in the morning to see if the masses in my liver that were present during the pre-surgery testing have disappeared.  Popular opinion among the surgeons and my GI doctor were that they were fatty deposits that would disappear when I lost weight.  So, tomorrow I find out. I am pretty certain that they were just that and nothing serious.  Dr. Z. had to move my liver out of the way to perform my bypass, so if anything looked really out-of-whack he would have noticed . . .I would think!
            I am a bit frustrated, though, because I don’t feel as if I am losing any more weight.  Now, I know that the past week was that awesome week of the month and there is always at least a five pound weight gain, if not more, but I am just feeling a bit anxious.  I was 225 the morning of surgery, and I was 211 earlier today. I just feel like I should have lost more than that.  I am not eating more than I should, or food that I shouldn’t eat.  Today, I had two meals of cottage cheese, less than ¼ cup each, and a Breakfast Essentials.  I had some coffee and a bottle and a half of water.  I am not hungry at all, but I do feel like I can’t drink enough to quench my thirst at times because I can only have a few sips at a time.  I am going to have to check with Dr. Z. on Monday and see what I am doing wrong.
            The cable box is almost ready to go, lol.  I need to buy another coaxial cable so that it can be hooked up.  Then I will be in business.  I am hoping to get better at the Wii games, too.  I didn’t want to strain myself too much -- I am so afraid of messing up an incision or getting a hernia or something -- so I just did a few little games.  Boy, do I feel like a klutz! Haha.  Lots of work to do on the bubble game, but it was fun to play a few of them before I entered painting land. 
            Well, I am going to get some sleep.  Happy Friday everyone!
            Until tomorrow . . . 


  1. Hang in there sweetie,you are doing so great.I am still in a slump since my dr visit.I was so sure that I was doing better but got my hopes smooshed.I wont give up and I wont let you either.WE CAN DO THIS even through the ups(that always seem to be there).Sending big hugs and lots of love your way.And congrats on the doors!!

  2. No, we are not going to give up!!!! I will hang in there, and you will, too! Hugs and mojo, right back atcha! :-)
