Sunday, September 16, 2012

It Fits!

            Boy, am I whooped!  A very full day, for sure.  This morning started off with a bit of putzing around the house before I sat down to begin my last assignment for PhD courses this quarter.  I was able to get an extension for some of the work that I missed the week of the surgery.  I don’t want to drag it out too long, though.  I need to be finished by Monday so that I can enjoy some time off between quarters.  Tomorrow that is the main and only goal of the day -- finish the project.  It will be a long day, but it will be worth it! 
            This afternoon I went to the benefit and was able to wear jeans that I haven’t worn in about four years!  That was awesome.  I had to stop on the way home to buy a new bra, too.  I went down two band sizes, from 42 to 40.  WOOT!  That makes the weight loss seem so much more real.  It just felt so good to be trying on something that was smaller instead of larger.  Tonight, I surprised Glenn for his birthday.  His birthday is actually Monday, but he mentioned a few weeks ago that he wanted to celebrate his birthday at the show on the 15th.  Little did he know that I made arrangements with our friend to make cupcakes with KISS decorations.  KISS is Glenn’s favorite band. He saw her Tuesday and asked if she was coming to the show and if she was making him Oreo cupcakes, LOL.  She told him that she wasn’t able to come (truth) and wasn’t sure that she could make cupcakes (lie).  The other part of the surprise was that I was able to wear the outfit I wore the night we met.  I haven’t been able to wear it for years, but kept it because I knew it was his favorite.  Well, tonight I wore it!!!! Unfortunately, only two friends made it to the show, but we still had a nice time and the rest of the audience enjoyed the bonus cupcakes, LOL. 
            When I came home, I tried on a few other pieces of clothing that I have been saving for years because I liked them and always hoped that I could wear them again.  I got on a skirt and two skorts!!! I was able to button them easily, too!  It was such a rewarding day all around, and I got to hang out watching my hubby and the band twice. Now, I am very exhausted and feeling pretty sore.  Might have overdone it quite a bit today, but it was worth it to see my Glenndini happy.  I love you, baby!
            Now, to get some sleep.  Until tomorrow. . .  

My Glenndini and I <3

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