Thursday, September 27, 2012

Time for Sleep!

            Today has been another exhausting day, but I made it through without a nap.  Bonus!!  I woke up and went to the basement to walk on the treadmill and was met with a wet floor.  The sink drain must have overflowed when I was cleaning yesterday, so I had to move everything out of the way, throw one rug in the trash, and tried to dry out the floor and big rug.  Glenn stopped home and we cut the big rug and threw most of it away, too.  The floor was dried by the time that he had rehearsal tonight, but we will need to get some sort of carpet for the basement so that it will absorb some of the sound.  There were a few issues with sound tonight.  Plus, I gotta take care of my guys. :-)  I can't have them standing on just plain concrete!
            The treadmill went well.  I did some tricep exercises with the three pounds weights while walking.  After 30 minutes, I had walked 1.35 miles.  Not exceptional, but I think that it is pretty good for being two days away from my month anniversary.  I did some chest exercises on the machine, too.  It felt good, but as I was walking the realization hit me that if I want to be sure to exercise, I HAVE to do it in the morning because the evenings get shot to H-E- Double Hockey Sticks so quickly.  It was nice for the four months Glenn and I were getting up and working out -- we got to spend time together every morning.  However, it was so tiring and I pretty much crashed every night when I got home.  That cannot happen because I am going to have PhD work to complete.  I have to make it work somehow.  Losing weight will be much more successful without an exercise regimen.  I emailed a former student who is a personal trainer and he is going to put together some work outs for me that focus on the areas that have the potential for the most sag.  He is awesome like that! So, I am going to think about this new change and figure out a way to make this work. 
            Eating today has been pretty good, too.  I have to say that I cheated tonight.  I was really craving something sweet.  This morning, I made an egg with protein powder, milk, and some cheese for breakfast, but only ate half of it.  Then, I ordered a piece of grilled salmon for dinner while at my meeting and ate not even a fourth of it.  I brought it home and had a bit of it with the egg from earlier.  Then, I wanted something sweet, so while I was packing Glenndini’s lunch and making some meatballs that I can freeze and have readily available, I defrosted one of the cookies from Jena’s and Tim’s wedding in August.  It was perfect.  I was a bit worried about the sugar and fat causing me to “dump”, but I was fine.  And one cookie was perfect.  Boy, how different than before when I would eat cookie after cookie until I was so full that I felt sick.  It felt good to indulge a bit, but know that I have control of the amount of indulgence.  The meatballs smell fabulous, too! I can’t wait to have one for breakfast!
            Well, sleep is creeping up on me, so I am going to close for now.  Another busy one tomorrow.  So until then . . . 

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