Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Case of the Blahs . . .

            Well, I crashed on the couch last night - it was a long day, lol.  I did a bit more painting on the porch, cleaned up the house a bit, went to the MRI, read a bit, and was out like a light.  I have been moving pretty slowly all day, too, and just kind of blah.  Maybe it’s the weather. It’s chilly and rainy and overcast. . . just kind of a blah day.  I am not sure why, but I think that I am simply burned out.  I never take a break from anything because I know that I won’t want to get started again.  And this time is no different, I fear.  I am so tired of being tired, and I know that being tired is not going to change when I go back to work in a few weeks.  It will be back to working “balls to the wall” (excuse the expression) and trying to keep up with everything and all of the things that I have visions of enjoying will go right down the tubes again.  I have got to get out of this selfish phase.  It’s starting to make me really angry because I am really not this type of person. 
            I am starting to get a bit concerned about the amount of time that I am going to have to dedicate to cooking and preparing food, too.  I know that sounds a bit crazy, but Glenn and I are not kitchen folks.  Maybe after we remodel the kitchen we will be, LOL, but with our goofy schedules, we do not always take the time to prepare meals as well or nutritionally as we should prepare them.  That is going to take a considerable amount of time.  I am a bit worried about trying to fit everything in - exercise, work, household chores, PhD, food preparation.  Ugh.  I am getting tired thinking about it.  I am so excited for the future, but think that I may need to get a new job that doesn’t take up so much of my time and energy in order to meet the demands of my new way of life.  In a way, I am being selfish, but selfish with my time.  I don’t want to spend so much time on work or chores or things of that nature.  I want to spend time singing, acting, hanging out with Glenndini, and doing things that we enjoy doing.  Finding a balance is going to be a bigger challenge than actually going through the surgery, I think.  I didn’t expect to be dealing with this type of emotion.  Getting used to thinking about food differently, yes.  Being a bit anxious and hesitant about eating again, yes.  Figuring out how in the hell I am going to afford to buy new clothes, yes.  But not wanting to go back to work because it is impeding on my chance to regain some of my life back and have some of the fun that I’ve put aside because of my weight, no.  Maybe going off of the Zoloft was a bad idea . . .
            Don’t get me wrong. I love my job, I do.  I think that I am just so tired of the overriding belief within society that teachers are not worth their salaries and have no right to expect to be compensated for the time, effort, and money that they invest in not only their educations, but also the educations of every child in the country.  It is so defeating to constantly be told that I “get paid enough” or that “I wish I could make that much a year and only work nine months”.  Seriously.  I wish that I could only work nine months.  I work throughout the summer and, contrary to popular belief, am not paid for that time.  I don’t mind working if people appreciate it.  It’s the huge presence of non-appreciation that is starting to make me wonder in what direction this country is truly headed.  People are more upset about the hockey lock-out and the NFL referees than they are educational issues or other economic plights.  Really?  Why is it okay for those two organizations to be on strike and no one is questioning their motives, but if a teachers’ union or nurses’ union or any other working-class union goes on strike, the country is in an uproar and ready to burn effigies of the horrible offenders?   Grr.  Ugh.  Meh.   
            On a positive note (and before I get even more depressed), I took Cira for a stroll around the top loop of the neighborhood, which I believe is a half mile.  She didn’t pull me or drag me around!! I think that at night there is less for her to be interested in, so she doesn’t become so excited.  I might hold off on the Halti leash for awhile and see if this is a phase or a new way of life for her, too.  Also, Dr. DeJesus called and said that my MRI was good - there are simply fatty deposits in my liver, no holes or masses.  He said that there was some change in my skin because of the bypass surgery and that there was some fluid in my lungs.  I feel fine, though, but I did pick up my breathing exercises again.  I had been slacking on those.  Overall, nothing to worry about as far as the MRI could show.  And, despite the mood described above, I did print the new educational standards and update a unit for my trimester class, revising some things and making sure that the curriculum aligns to the new standards.  Tomorrow, I plan to really crank out some work on the online courses that I am developing.  Like I said, no one is taking them so there is not a big rush, but I need to get a grip on them before it gets too late.  I don’t want to have to kick it into high gear if someone does register.  But for now, I am going to try and get a few winks and give my racing mind a break.  Something has to lift me out of the doldrums soon. . . I hate when I get like this.  So, with a hope for a new day, I will go to bed.
            Until tomorrow. . . 

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