Monday, September 17, 2012

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GLENNDINI!!!!   Today is my hubby’s Bday, so if you see him be sure to wish him a great one!
            Well, today has been long, quite exhausting, and will not be ending for many, many hours.  However, when it does, I will be finished with the last PhD course assignment for the quarter. WHEW! It has definitely been a bit crazy with the surgery and everything that goes along with it, but I am pretty darn proud of myself for keeping up with everything, taking care of the household and chores, and only needing an extension of three days.  This assignment is insanely long and intense, but I know what I am doing and where I am heading. My mantra for the night/wee hours of the morning is “Slow and steady wins the race”.  In fact, as you are all getting up and ready for the day, I will be finishing my work and heading to the bed for a nap, LOL. It is worth it, though.  I am getting so close to achieving this goal, too.
            I made an interesting pureed dinner this evening.  I haven’t eaten too much today.  Now, I know that I don’t eat too much any day, but I felt as if I’d overdone it a bit yesterday.  Not sure why, just did.  Maybe it was the icing I ate off of a cupcake from Glenndini’s bday KISS Kupcakes.  Today, I had a small bit of white chocolate sugar free-fat free pudding for breakfast, a total of two cups of black coffee, over 32 ounces of water, and a ¼ cup of cream, of potato soup. I bought a box of organic mac & cheese the other day which had 10g of protein! Tonight I prepared it and mixed it with some steamed broccoli and ground turkey sautéed with onion and red pepper.  Glenndini was able to add his hot sauce and enjoy; however, I put it in the Magic Bullet blender with a bit more milk and fat free shredded cheddar cheese.  It was pretty good!  I admit that getting past the unexpected texture can be a bit weird, it honestly tastes pretty similar to eating it non-pureed. I think the greatest difference is that the flavors are more intermingled when food is pureed, so some of the flavors weren’t as distinguishable.  At any rate, I definitely felt a bit fuller than usual and quicker, too. 
            I am so looking forward to the three week break between PhD quarters.  I know that they will go quickly, but it will be nice to not have homework on my mind every time I want to do something around the house, work on designing my online courses, or simply watch some HGTV.  I always have a to-do list a mile long; yet, knowing that there will be a few less tasks on it makes me feel a bit more relaxed.  I already have a ridiculous list of things to accomplish tomorrow/later today, LOL.  The difference is that none of them HAVE to be done.  I need to work on not feeling guilty every time I take a minute to do something that I want to do.  I have put aside so many activities that I enjoy because of time, but I want to change that as part of this journey.  Even if it is for 30 minutes a day, I want to work hard at making time for me. That may be the hardest part of the journey!
             Well, it is time to get back to my work, although this blog entry has been a welcomed break from the project, but as Robert Frost wrote, I have “miles to go before I sleep”.
            Until tomorrow . . . 


  1. Goodmorning beautiful lady..Even tho you will probably be napping when this comes in lol.My weekend was quite the combo of things,first Im still having some headache issues,not sure if its from a lesser amount of caffiene or that my BP is still low.Doctors tomorrow so I will be able to count out one of them.I even managed to get my Nat to walk with me everyday this weekend,it make me feel special(I dont always feel important enough with him)Im excited to see my weight too.You are looking so great Lisa,Im so happy for you and your journey.Best of luck on your school work too.Sending much love <3

  2. Hey lady!

    Keep up the good work! How did the doctor appt. go? Good news, I hope. Nat better realize how great you are - and if he walked with you, I think he does. I just think he has a hard time showing you how important you are. :-) Hang in there -- you are getting there one step at a time, too!

