Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sleepy, Sleepy Girl

            Whew!  What a busy day yesterday - I was whooped and passed out on the couch when I got home.  I just slid down from a sitting position, fell asleep, and woke up at around 9:00 a.m.  Just a long day of errands and celebrating Dad’s birthday.  To start, the MRI did not happen.  I got there, got on the table, and when the nurses tried to put the IV in, they couldn’t get my veins to cooperate.  Apparently, not eating or drinking much causes the veins to shrink up a bit, so they couldn’t get a good one that would enable them to push the contrast for the test.  So, I left with a $5 Walmart gift card and an appointment for Tuesday at the hospital with the IV team to prep me for the MRI.  Wish me luck then!
            The rest of the day consisted of a few errands and trying to catch a nap.  Glenndini and I went to Lowe’s to get supplies for the porch and gutters projects and then to see my parents.  Dad’s birthday was Wednesday, and they were going to DeGennaro’s for a few drinks and to hang out with friends.  I brought home two meatballs and put them into the blender -- Yummy!  It was so good and a nice change from the soup and yogurt. I had plenty of leftovers, so I had some for lunch today.
            This morning I got up and cleaned up the flowerbeds while my Dad and Glenn worked on the gutters, put up the new porch light, and put in the new lights for the bedrooms.  Add that to the walking I did yesterday and the painting and housework from the week and I am one sore and whooped girl.  I actually fell asleep in the bathtub, lol.  For an hour!  I went to see The Drowsy Chaperone at McKeesport Little Theater tonight with my mom, Greg, and his mom.  Funny, hilarious, awesome show!  It was a great time and wonderful to see so many of my friends.  I really miss being onstage, too. Soon enough . . .
            I had to have Glenndini put an extra notch in my belt because it was too big. That is a great thing, but I am still a bit bummed because I have not lost much more weight.  I know that it is supposed to come off and I have been doing some physical work; however, I still can’t help but think that I am doing something wrong.  I really need to talk to Dr. Z. on Monday and see what is up.  I do feel better, though.  I actually kind of enjoyed doing my hair and make-up to go out.  I sorted through the closet and got rid of a few more things, too.   I should just get rid of it all, but I am not ready for that.  I still need some things to wear until I buy a few things to start school in a few weeks.  I am a little anxious about shopping, though, because I don’t want my expectations to be too high.  I don’t want to be bummed out because I am not buying clothes that are much smaller.  I know that I have to keep it in perspective, but I think that I have expectations that might be a bit too big.
            Well, this girl is beat and must get some rest. Go Steelers!
            Until tomorrow . . .

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