Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

Whew! What a day! My back is sore as all get out from sitting too much at the desk last night to do some work, so today I spent the day painting the doors in my house.  Six doors.  Holy, moly, it took me hours to get three coats of red on two of them and a coat of white on four of them.  I am not a big fan of painting by any means, but I do know that the final product will be one step closer to finishing another aspect of our house re-do.  Glenn and his dad are going to work on the porch in a two weeks, and I am so stoked! I love the idea of sitting outside on the screened porch reading or doing some work with the fall breezes. Plus, it’s another room that I can decorate.  I love going to antique stores and shops and finding pieces to mix in with new pieces.  Even before HGTV made do-it-yourself decorating popular, it was a hobby that I truly enjoyed. 
            Well, Glenndini and I chatted and I am going to join the gym tomorrow at the mid-level initiation, with the mid-level monthly payment. Then, instead of him joining, too, I can get a guest pass that allows me to bring up to two guests when I go to the gym.  The catch is that I have to be there, but he said he probably wouldn’t go without me anyway, so it is a perfect deal.  In fact, it’s cheaper than if he were to join himself! I was excited about possibly swimming tomorrow, but I remembered that I am not allowed to soak or be submerged in water until my incisions are completely healed.  Dang it! At any rate, tomorrow will be another BIG step in my journey.  I am very self-conscious about my weight, especially to go into a gym, even though I know that I have made awesome progress so far.  However, I know that this is the next step that I must take in my journey, and so here I go!
            I weighed myself this evening - 214 even. Yippee!!!! Seriously, I haven’t been at that weight for almost seven years!!!! Granted my belly still seems to be retaining some fluid weight, but I know that will go away as I continue to recover and walk.  Needless to say, seeing that number on the scale was another boost in the “I want to join the gym” motivation. 
            As for PhD courses, I have one more major project to complete for Monday morning, and then I get a three week break from that work. Woo Hoo! I definitely need to step away from the PhD zone for a bit.  Although I will be working on stuff for my job, it will be refreshing to be doing something different, yet still focused on education.  For now, I am off to pack Glenndini’s lunch, tie up a few things, and hit the hay for my big day tomorrow.
            Until then. . . 


  1. You are truly my inspiration.I love that you are sharing your journey with all of us and it keeps me motivated to continue mine.Im still not feeling all that well after my stress test,I hate the blaahh yuckies.But i managed to have lunch with Nat and I only had a normal burger and what he calls a baby fry..And I realized,hey that was really enough food!!Now if my headache would just quit..Best of luck on adding the gym gf,thats one thing that will prob always be outta my budget lol.Much love

  2. Hey lady - You are making changes, too, so be proud of yourself. It takes a lot of time and effort to make changes and stick to them. My journey has been a long time coming, so sharing it will help others see that it is never to late to make those changes. Unfortunately, the gym isn't happening -- I'll explain that in the next entry -- but I have the equipment in my basement, so I can still make the change happen. Just a bit more effort on my part! Love ya, lady. See you soon. :-)

